Thursday, March 31, 2011

AMIT KOTHARI: Installing Processor in the Socket of ASUS Motherb...

AMIT KOTHARI: Installing Processor in the Socket of ASUS Motherb...: " This is a video of viewing the ASUS Motherboard and Installing a Dual - Core processor. Sorry, for the poor Quality. I will try to imp..."

Installing Processor in the Socket of ASUS Motherboard

This is a video of viewing the ASUS Motherboard and Installing a Dual - Core processor. Sorry, for the poor Quality. I will try to improve the quality after some videos. Thank you.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Want to buy a New Desktop?

If you want to buy a New Desktop. Then Contact me. I'm a Jetking Certified Hardware & Networking Engineer. I have all types of Computer Desktops.